Patricia M. Field
    Books & Music




Patricia Field Author

Children's Holiday Picture Books Patricia Field

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Thanks For Stopping By…

Welcome to my web site! I hope you like what you see and hear and will tell your friends about it. That is the best advertising I could ever get.

I’ve created this web site to promote the results of my efforts in Song Writing, Book Writing and even the creation of a number of new music videos. I think you’ll find that I approach everything I create with a very specific purpose. Sometimes that purpose is simply to entertain while sharing my personal weaknesses in the areas of dieting and coffee drinking. Another purpose is to share important lessons I’ve learned through life’s journey. Most recently, I wanted to write a series of Children’s Picture Books that accurately represent the true meaning of Christmas and Easter.

I’ve written and currently self-published through my husband Kent’s publishing company two Editions of the Christmas book entitled, “Happy Birthday Jesus! The First Christmas – The True Story”. One in English and another in Spanish. We did the same thing for the Easter book entitled, “He Is Risen! Happy Easter Jesus!”

I’ve done my best to make these Children’s Christmas and Easter books available on Amazon, Groupon, Facebook, and Ebay. I’ve also contacted many religious book publishers and many book stores. And that is where you can help! Should you choose to purchase any of these books… please share it with your friends, family, church, or anyone in publishing or who owns a bookstore. Please share these great little books with them!

And here’s a link to one of my songs, “Angels Hold Lollipops!”, that many have come to love and cherish. Now available on iTunes, Amazon, CD Baby and more….
Angels Hold Lollipops

© 2017 Patricia's Music & Books